Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Autism spectrum disorder and interoception: Abnormalities in global integration?

Autism spectrum disorder and interoception: Abnormalities in global integration?

Research over the past three decades has seen a revived interest in the way the human body—and the way in which it is perceived—interacts with aspects of our experience. Consequently, interoception (i.e. the perception of physiological feedback from the body) has recently been shown to be associated with a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and affective functions, making it broadly relevant to the study of autism spectrum disorder. Although limited qualitative accounts and empirical studies suggest that individuals with autism spectrum disorder encounter abnormalities when perceiving and integrating physiological feedback from their bodies, other studies have suggested that people with/ without autism spectrum disorder do not differ in interoceptive ability after accounting for alexithymia. In this article, we discuss the newly recognized importance of interoception in autism spectrum disorder with a focus on how deficits in the perception of bodily feedback might relate to the core features and co-occuring psychopathology of autism spectrum disorder. Finally, a new integrated theory is advanced which posits that people with autism spectrum disorder may experience a reduced capacity to integrate interoceptive information that may result in a narrow attentional bodily focus and reduced motivational and behavioral drives.



Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Clinical Validation of the Autism Behavior Inventory: Caregiver-Rated Assessment of Core and Associated Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Clinical Validation of the Autism Behavior Inventory: Caregiver-Rated Assessment of Core and Associated Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is a need for measures to track symptom change in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We conducted a validation study on a revised version of the Autism Behavior Inventory (ABI), and a short form (ABI-S). Caregivers of individuals (6–54 years) with confirmed diagnoses of ASD (N = 144) completed the ABI and other rating scales at 4 time points. Scale consistency for each domain, 3–5 day test–retest reliability, and construct validity, determined by comparison to pre-specified scales, were all good. Change in the ABI was congruent with changes in other instruments. Collectively, results suggest incipient suitability of the ABI as a measure of changes in core and associated symptoms of ASD. Trial Registration NCT02299700.  


Friday, March 1, 2019

Longitudinal Follow-up of Academic Achievement in Children with Autism from Age 2 to 18

Longitudinal Follow-up of Academic Achievement in Children with Autism from Age 2 to 18


Objective—This study examined early predictors of and changes in school-age academic
achievement and class placement in children referred for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at age 2.

Method—Of 111 ASD referrals, 74 were diagnosed with ASD at age 18. Regression analyses
were performed to identify age 3 predictors of achievement in arithmetic, passage comprehension,
word reading, and spelling at ages 9 and 18. Linear Mixed Models were used to examine
predictors of academic growth between ages 9 and 18.

Results—Academic skills varied widely at 9 and 18, but were mostly commensurate with or
higher than expected given cognitive levels. However, 22% (age 9) and 32% (age 18) of children
with average/above average IQ showed below/low average achievement in at least one academic
domain. Children who remained in general education/inclusion classrooms had higher
achievement than those who moved to special education classrooms. Stronger cognitive skills at
age 3 and 9 predicted better academic achievement and faster academic growth from 9 to 18.
Parent participation in intervention by age 3 predicted better achievement at 9 and 18.

Conclusion—Many children with ASD achieve basic academic skills commensurate with or
higher than their cognitive ability. However, more rigorous screening for learning difficulties may
be important for those with average cognitive skills because a significant minority show relative
academic delays. Interventions targeting cognitive skills and parent participation in early treatment
may have cascading effects on long-term academic development



Brief Report: Self-reported academic, social, and mental health experiences of post-secondary students with autism spectrum disorder

Brief Report: Self-reported academic, social, and mental health experiences of post-secondary students with autism spectrum disorder

Increasing numbers of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are enrolling in postsecondary academic institutions. However, research indicates that post-secondary students with
ASD are struggling more than their typically developing peers, with high rates of loneliness,
anxiety, depression, and an increased incidence of dropping-out before completion of their
degrees. The current study utilized an online survey to gain insight into the self-reported academic,
social, and mental health experiences of post-secondary students with ASD. Participants reported
high levels of academic comfort, but struggled with issues of isolation/loneliness and high levels
of stress, anxiety, and depression. Of greatest concern, were the nearly three-quarters of
participants who reported lifetime suicidal behaviors. Further analysis on collected data and
implications of findings are discussed.

