
Welcome to Life Spectrum. This blog provides information and studies on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As a mother of two sons on the spectrum I have found connecting with these articles and other people who have been involved in children with ASD has helped me become a better parent and mother to my children. I obtained my Bachelors in Psychology so I could further understand my children and better help them. I then obtained a Masters in Human Services in hopes of helping families struggling with ASD and other issues in their lives.

My youngest son attends a school specifically for kids with ASD. It is called Spectrum Academy. The school includes grades K - 12. Class sizes are about 15 kids. It is a charter school and part of the public school system.

We are not alone. There is hope, help, and life waiting to be explored.

Feel free to browse full-text articles, most of which will be downloadable in PDF format.

I would love to talk to you about your experiences with ASD. Please feel free to send me correspondence.

(Regina M. Richey)