Thursday, August 23, 2018

The hidden faces of autism and misdiagnosis in the lifespan: Clinical observations in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The hidden faces of autism and misdiagnosis in the

lifespan: Clinical observations in adults with

Autism Spectrum Disorders


Autism  Spectrum  Disorder  (ASD)  includes  early-onset  developmental

disorders  characterized  by   symptoms  ranging  from  impaired   social

communication   skills,   stereotyped   behaviors,   impairment   in   social

interactions,   to   poor   language   development.   Although   the   autistic

condition  is  stable  across  the  life  span,  a  substantial  number  of  adult

ASD  patients  may  be  undiagnosed  or  misdiagnosed  as  having  other

mental  disorders.  Twenty-three  ASD  adult  patients  underwent  clinical

examination   and   were   assessed   by   the   following   psychodiagnostic

instruments: the RAADS-R, the Y-BOCS, and the Rorschach inkblot test.

The  mean RAADS total  score  was higher than cut-off  threshold (126 ±

43;  cutoff  =  65).  Y-BOCS  total  scores  were  moderately  high  (21  ±  9;

cutoff   =   7).   Rorschach   protocols   were   characterized   by   a   mean

productivity (number of responses: 23 ± 12), a concrete intelligence with

traits  of  meticulousness  (D  =  39%,  Dd  =  8%),  inaccurate  formal

perception  with  falls  of  representation  (F-  >  F+),  poor  attention  to

human   contents,   and   perseveration   and   devitalization   as  particular

phenomena.    Adult    ASD    patients    are    characterized    by    peculiar

psychopathological features that can be effectively investigated with the

use   of   both   psychometric   and   projective   methods.   An   accurate

investigation  of  behavioral  and  clinical  features  and  personality  traits,

should  integrate  the  diagnostic  pathway  of  those  adult  subjects  often

presenting    with    comorbid    psychiatric    disorders    and    symptoms


