Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The cost of a delayed autism diagnosis


The cost of a delayed autism diagnosis

boy alone outside of group on playing field
Martin Barraud / iStock

I lived only half a childhood. Friendships were difficult, because I often did not know what to say. I had little patience for small talk and a dislike of new situations. Thrust into unfamiliar surroundings, my whole body would warm, my hands would shake, and I would feel a tightening in my chest and a deep, almost primal urge to scream.

Even as an adult, I felt like I viewed reality through a foggy window. I thought it was simply me — that my personality was just odd — and I would need to learn to cope with the fact that I did not fit in well with most people. Then, at age 28, I was diagnosed with autism.

My diagnosis was a relief. Suddenly, I knew why I felt the way I did, and why I had a hard time living the way others did. But I can only imagine how much better my life would have been if I had been diagnosed as a child and had the chance to understand myself at a younger age. Might I have made emotional connections with my peers, instead of just with Bruce Springsteen songs and characters in Stephen King novels?

It turns out I’m not alone. Many people go more than half of their lives before learning that they are autistic; the exact number remains a mystery, as research on adults with autism has been scarce. Although public awareness of autism and its traits has improved in recent decades, many children still slip through the cracks, especially girls and children of color. We as a society have the power and resources to change that; all we need is the will.

Consider the science: There is little question among psychologists who specialize in autism that an early diagnosis can change a person’s life for the better. Therapy aimed at reworking the way a young person with autism thinks and comprehends has shown success. Children who undergo therapy see results that allow them to ease problematic behaviors, improve social interactions and better their own quality of life.

But these therapies are of little help to children whose autism hasn’t yet been detected. Those children disproportionately include girls, who may have a lower rate of autism than boys but also display autism traits differently: Girls on the spectrum sometimes have an easier time making friends but are more likely to have heavy anxiety, which can be difficult to spot. Children of color and children from low-income families are also underdiagnosed, partly due to inadequate social services. According to a study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of data from 2014, 17 in 1,000 non-Hispanic white children are diagnosed with autism by age 8, compared with 16 in 1,000 non-Hispanic black children and 14 in 1,000 Hispanic children.

The difficulty of detecting autism compounds the problem. Because the condition is a spectrum, there is screening but no easy checklist that can be used for diagnosis. This is especially true with young people, in whom factors unrelated to autism may cause spectrum-like behavior. And most parents are not mental health specialists, which means that no matter how prepared they are, they may not be skilled enough to spot all the signs of autism.

The solution, then, must go beyond better parenting. We must invest in an expansion of mental health services aimed at detecting autism, especially in our public schools and preschools.

Missing out:

Independent of a medical diagnosis, teachers, psychologists and other professionals at these public schools can work together to evaluate a student for autism, but many don’t have the resources to do so. A report released by the American Civil Liberties Union in March found that the average ratio of students to psychologists is 1,526 to 1 — two to three times what experts recommend. Worse yet, 43 percent of students are enrolled in public schools with no school psychologist at all. As a result, millions of children may be missing out on special-education services that could help them thrive. Their families may also be missing out on the opportunity to follow up with doctors to pursue a clinical diagnosis.

Some have argued that a push for earlier diagnosis could lead to — and may already be leading to — an increase in misdiagnosis. But that argument does not hold up. For one, it ignores how the science on mental health has evolved in the past few decades. Many children who are diagnosed with autism today might, 20 years ago, have been diagnosed with a different mental health issue — say, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although overlap does exist, it’s likely that previous generations were being misdiagnosed — or that diagnoses of these conditions were masking additional traits associated with autism. (I, for example, was diagnosed as having only obsessive-compulsive disorder for a good part of my life.) We’re not over-diagnosing autism today; we simply recognize it better.

Instead of worrying about misdiagnosis, energy is better spent investing in resources that give qualified professionals the ability to help children. The knowledge is out there; it’s time to funnel the money to social services that can give children back their childhood.

With any discussion of healthcare, the conversation inevitably turns to cost. After all, the types of services I am advocating for will not come cheap, especially when you consider that we do not yet know how many children would end up being diagnosed under the proper circumstances.

As someone who had to learn how to relive life at 28, I believe the benefits of early diagnosis are worth the price. My diagnosis has changed my life. It has turned me into a more socially comfortable person and made me an excellent, empathetic and successful teacher. I understand myself better, and I am kinder to myself. I want others to feel the same way. But that will only happen if society decides to make a concerted effort to make sure young people receive proper diagnoses.

Simply put, the next generation of people with autism will either thank us for being there for them or wonder why we did nothing when we knew better. The choice is ours.

This article was originally published on UndarkIt has been slightly modified to reflect Spectrum’s style.


Friday, November 15, 2019

Living with autism without knowing: receiving a diagnosis in later life

Living with autism without knowing: receiving a diagnosis in later life

Increasingly adults over the age of 50 are receiving a diagnosis of
autism spectrum condition. Growing up in a time when autism
was poorly recognised, these adults have lived unknowingly with
the condition and face readjustment. This paper reports the
study to investigate this population. Nine adults over the age of
50, who had recently been diagnosed with ASC, were interviewed,
and thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcripts. Results
showed that the participants had received treatment for anxiety
and depression. They reported ASC behaviours in their childhood
and growing up they felt isolated and alien. Receiving a diagnosis
was seen as a positive step and allowed for a recon
figuration of
self and an appreciation of individual needs. Given the positive
aspects of receiving a late diagnosis, more work is needed to
identify older adults with undiagnosed ASC



Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Detecting Developmental Delay and Autism Through Machine Learning Models Using Home Videos of Bangladeshi Children: Development and Validation Study

Detecting Developmental Delay and Autism Through Machine Learning Models Using Home Videos of Bangladeshi Children: Development and Validation Study

Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is currently diagnosed using qualitative methods that measure between 20-100 behaviors, can span multiple appointments with trained clinicians, and take several hours to complete. In our previous work, we demonstrated the efficacy of machine learning classifiers to accelerate the process by collecting home videos of US-based children,
identifying a reduced subset of behavioral features that are scored by untrained raters using a machine learning classifier to determine children’s “risk scores” for autism. We achieved an accuracy of 92% (95% CI 88%-97%) on US videos using a classifier built on five features.

Objective: Using videos of Bangladeshi children collected from Dhaka Shishu Children’s Hospital, we aim to scale our pipeline to another culture and other developmental delays, including speech and language conditions.

Methods: Although our previously published and validated pipeline and set of classifiers perform reasonably well on Bangladeshi videos (75% accuracy, 95% CI 71%-78%), this work improves on that accuracy through the development and application of a powerful new technique for adaptive aggregation of crowdsourced labels. We enhance both the utility and performance of our
model by building two classification layers: The first layer distinguishes between typical and atypical behavior, and the second layer distinguishes between ASD and non-ASD. In each of the layers, we use a unique rater weighting scheme to aggregate classification scores from different raters based on their expertise. We also determine Shapley values for the most important features in the classifier to understand how the classifiers’ process aligns with clinical intuition.

Results: Using these techniques, we achieved an accuracy (area under the curve [AUC]) of 76% (SD 3%) and sensitivity of 76% (SD 4%) for identifying atypical children from among developmentally delayed children, and an accuracy (AUC) of 85% (SD 5%) and sensitivity of 76% (SD 6%) for identifying children with ASD from those predicted to have other developmental



Tuesday, September 10, 2019

We need to stop perpetuating the myth that children grow out of autism


We need to stop perpetuating the myth that children grow out of autism

Around 1% of the population has an autism spectrum disorder, with estimates ranging from one in 150 to one in 70.

While people differ in the range and severity of their symptoms, common features include difficulties with communication and social interaction, restrictive and repetitive behaviours and interests, and sensory sensitivities.

Read more: What causes autism? What we know, don’t know and suspect

According to the 2017 Autism in Australia report, autism is most prevalent among children aged five to 14, with 83% of Australians with an autism diagnosis aged under 25.

But while children are more likely to have a diagnosis of autism than adults, this doesn’t mean children “grow out” of autism.

Why are rates higher among children?

There are a number of reasons why the prevalence of autism is higher among school-aged children than adults, starting with the measurement.

“Prevalence” refers to the rate of diagnosis and/or self-reports, not the rate of actually having autism. As autism is a lifelong condition, it’s more likely the rates of actually having autism are stable across adults and children.

Diagnostic techniques and awareness of autism have improved dramatically in recent times. Many autistic adults would not have been given a formal diagnosis, but rather misdiagnosed or just seen as “weird”.

Read more: Do more children have autism now than before?

These days, there are clear benefits of having and reporting a diagnosis for school-aged children; including access to funding and educational support. This means parents who suspect their child has autism may seek out a diagnosis when in previous generations they would not.

There are far fewer benefits to having and reporting a diagnosis for adults, and many more barriers, including stigma and discrimination.

Some children lose their diagnosis

Autism is a lifelong condition. However, a small number of studies suggest a minority of children may “lose” their autism diagnosis.

2011 analysis of American national survey data found 13% of children diagnosed with autism (187 of the 1,576 whose parents responded to the question) had “lost” their diagnosis.

The most common reason was “new information”, such as being diagnosed with another developmental, learning, emotional, or mental health condition.

Only 21% of the 187 parents reported their child had lost their diagnosis due to treatment or maturation; and only 4% (eight children) had a doctor or other professional confirm the child did not have ASD and did not have any other developmental, learning, emotional, or mental health condition.

A recent study in the Journal of Child Neurology examined the records of 569 children diagnosed with autism between 2003 and 2013. It found 7% (38 of the 569) no longer met the diagnostic criteria.

However, most were diagnosed with another behaviour disorder (such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) or a mental health condition (such as anxiety disorder).

Just three children out of 569 did not “warrant” any alternative diagnosis.

Many autistic children learn to mask their symptoms and act like their neurotypical peers. Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Read more: Five myths about autism

The few studies that report on children who no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis of either autism or another condition are typically small-scale observational studies.

In 2014, for example, US psychiatry researchers studied 34 people aged eight to 21 years who were diagnosed with autism before the age of five but no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis. This was defined as the “optimal outcome”.

The researchers found the “optimal outcome” group did not differ from “typically developing” children on socialisation, communication, most language sub-scales and only three had below-average scores on face recognition.

So, a very very small number of children lose their diagnosis and appear to function normally. But these small-scale studies don’t have the capacity to differentiate between “growing out of” and “learning to mask” autism-related behaviours.

Masking symptoms

The diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-5) used to classify mental health disorders states symptoms of autism start early and continue throughout life, though adults may be able to “mask” their symptoms – at least in some situations.

One of the unexpected findings of the 2014 study of people who lost their autism diagnosis is they tended to have high IQs. The researchers suggest high levels of cognition allowed this group of autistic people to identify and compensate for their social differences.

Many autistic people learn to mask their behaviours and thought patterns from a young age; and this is particularly common with girls. They learn that to fit in and be accepted by their peers they need to act and speak like neurotypical people.

Masking is physically and emotionally draining, and leads to a range of negative outcomes such as exhaustion, burnout, anxiety, and depression – as well as negative self-perception and low self-esteem.

Read more: Autistic people aren't really accepted – and it’s impacting their mental health

Why are these myths so harmful?

Many parents struggle with their child’s diagnosis of autism, as they face the realisation their child’s life may be very different from the one they imagined.

The myth that children can grow out of autism – if their parents do a good enough job of educating or changing them – is harmful for the whole family.

It can prevent parents from seeing and accepting their child as the wonderful human being they are and recognising their strengths.

Sadly, it can also lead to a lifetime of the autistic person perceiving themselves to be a failed neurotypical person rather than a successful autistic person.

Parents of children newly diagnosed with autism have to adjust to the idea their child’s life may be different from what they imagined. Natalia Lebedinskaia/Shutterstock

Australia, like many countries, has made great strides in the provision of educational supports for these students in primary and secondary school. Then we stop.

Of those who complete secondary school, only 19% receive a post-school qualification. This compares with 59% of those with any form of disability and 68% of those without a disability.

In terms of work, ABS data from 2015 shows the unemployment rate for people with an autism diagnosis was 31.6%; more than three times the rate for people with any disability (10%) and almost six times the rate of people without disability (5.3%).

Read more: Expecting autistic people to 'fit in' is cruel and unproductive; value us for our strengths

Autistic children don’t grow into neurotypical adults, they grow into autistic adults who are under-serviced, isolated and stigmatised.

Until our employers, educational institutions, governments and communities fully understand this, we will continue to fail to provide them with appropriate educational and employment opportunities.

So, will your child grow out of their autism? Probably not, but with the right support, encouragement and understanding they might grow into it.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Autism might be overdiagnosed, Canadian research suggests

Autism might be overdiagnosed, Canadian research suggests

Autism has become so overdiagnosed that within five to 10 years there could be almost no difference between groups of people who have been diagnosed with the condition and those who haven’t, a Montreal researcher warns following the publication of a new study.

A new meta-analysis published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry that analyzed 11 previous major studies carried out since 1966 found that individuals diagnosed with autism have become progressively less different from the general population.

Laurent Mottron, a research psychiatrist at the mental health unit of the Riviere-des-Prairies Hospital and one of the study’s authors, said the gap could soon narrow to nothing.

“Autistic people we test now are less and less different than typical people – really less and less, to the point where if the trend continues, we won’t be able to find the least difference within five or 10 years,” he said in an interview.

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Mottron says the problem is that the criteria have lowered to the point where a diagnosis could become nearly meaningless.

Mottron and four other researchers conducted a meta-analysis of previous studies that compared people who have been diagnosed with autism with those who haven’t. The analysis, which included data from 27,723 individuals, includes practically “the whole of planetary research on the autistic brain,” Mottron said.

LISTEN: Neuropsychologist Isabelle Soulieres joins Danielle Smith to discuss the Canadian-led autism study

The analysis found that the differences between the groups have decreased over time in five of the seven main constructs that define autism, including emotion recognition, theory of mind, planning and brain size.

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In contrast, the group found no such tendency when it comes to the prevalence of schizophrenia, which has remained stable for the past two decades.

WATCH: Camp counsels kids on overcoming social fears

   Camp counsels kids on overcoming social fears

Globally, the number of people diagnosed with autism has risen dramatically in recent years, going in the United States from less than 0.5 per cent of the population in 1966 to more than two per cent. In Quebec, the number is approaching two per cent.

LISTEN: UQAM’s Isabelle Soulieres joins J’Lyn Nye to discuss why autism is over-diagnosed

The study’s authors say their findings may be due to several factors, including a true increase in the condition, greater public awareness, the fact that a diagnosis leads to greater support, a lowered threshold for diagnosis, the use of “checklist diagnoses” and a greater tendency to diagnose individuals with a normal IQ.

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They note that understanding of autism has also evolved “from a narrowly defined clinical picture to a spectrum of conditions of uncertain similarity.” They warn that this blurring of the line could potentially make it more difficult to study the disorder.

Mottron, for his part, says the research points to a rampant problem of overdiagnosis that he blames on schools, doctors and parents alike. He goes so far as to suggest that a diagnosis can work in a school or parent’s best interest by making them eligible for extra help and funding that they may otherwise not receive.

WATCH: Sensory-friendly shopping for people with autism

   Sensory-friendly shopping for people with autism
Sensory-friendly shopping for people with autism

“Right now, a diagnosis of autism is what allows one to get services in schools,” he said. “When you have an autism diagnosis, you have much greater chances of getting all kinds of extra things compared to another condition, which is total nonsense, because the need for services is independent from a diagnosis.”

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He said the criteria for a diagnosis have become “trivial,” including a child’s lack of friends or a dislike of haircuts or tags on clothing.

Mottron acknowledged that the situation is complicated because mild forms of autism do exist. However, he noted that having certain autistic traits isn’t the same as having autism and said it’s “fundamental” for medical professionals to move beyond a simple checklist of symptoms before issuing a diagnosis.

He said the potential for misdiagnosis is problematic in many ways, including the risk of children receiving the wrong treatment.

“The people who are diagnosed as autistic when they aren’t often have problems, but they’re not the same ones,” he said.

He said the cost of specialized services for autism are high and too many diagnosed children can spread resources too thin, meaning those who need them most don’t get enough.


Friday, August 9, 2019

Process Research in Early Intensive Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Sensitivity to Change of the Autism Behavior Coding System

 Process Research in Early Intensive Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Sensitivity to Change of the Autism Behavior Coding System

The development of sensitive measures to capture changes in core autism symptoms is crucial in early intervention research. The study examines the sensitivity to change of the Autism Behavior Coding System (ABCS), a video-based instrument to assess core autism symptoms during therapist-child interaction. Video sequences of 40 young children treated in the Frühintervention bei Autistischen Störungen center were analyzed with regard to the question of whether short-term changes during an 18 day period of early intervention could be captured, and whether these results are reflected in an independent clinical assessment (Developmental Disorders-Child-Global Assessment Scale [DD-C-GAS]). ABCS results showed statistically significant improvements on behavioral domains such as expression of wishesand social cooperative behavior(P < 0.01), less pronounced on eye contact.Improvements on the DD-C-GAS were highly significant on all subdomains. Both scales showed high correlations within their subdomains, yet no significant correlations between the changes in both instrumentsscores were found. An additional analysis between the DD-C-GAS scores at day 18 and the changes in the ABCS scores showed statistically significant associations in the expected direction
between the changes in the variable
eye contactand all DD-C-GAS subdomains. The correspondence of the two levels of assessment is low, but the specifics of this relationship deserve further study. The ABCS may prove useful in addition to standard assessment tools, especially in early intervention research settings, as it allows reliable analysis of core behavioral elements in young children with autism. 

Lay Summary: The study examined the sensitivity of an autism-specific video coding system (ABCS) in assessing changes after an 18 day period of intensive early intervention. Video sequences of therapist-child-interaction of 40 young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were analyzed. Childrens behavior improved in expression of wishes, social cooperativity and eye contact. A therapist-based global assessment scale also showed important improvement after 18 days, yet both assessment instruments showed weak correlations between their respective changes. We showed that
the ABCS may prove useful in capturing short-term changes in autism-related behaviors, especially in early intervention research.


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pediatric Prolonged‑Release Melatonin for Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Impact on Child Behavior and Caregiver’s Quality of Life

Pediatric Prolonged‑Release Melatonin for Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Impact on Child Behavior and Caregiver’s Quality of Life

A randomized, 13-weeks, placebo-controlled double-blind study in 125 subjects aged 2–17.5 years with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Smith-Magenis syndrome and insomnia demonstrated efficacy and safety of easily-swallowed prolonged-release melatonin mini-tablets (PedPRM; 2–5 mg) in improving sleep duration and onset. Treatment effects on child behavior and caregiver’s quality of life were evaluated. PedPRM treatment resulted in significant improvement in externalizing but not internalizing behavior (Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire; SDQ) compared to placebo (p = 0.021) with clinicallyrelevant improvements in 53.7% of PedPRM-treated versus 27.6% of placebo-treated subjects (p=0.008). Caregivers’ quality of life also improved with PedPRM versus placebo (p = 0.010) and correlated with the change in total SDQ (p = 0.0005). PedPRM alleviates insomnia-related difficulties, particularly externalizing behavior in the children, subsequently improving caregivers’ quality of life.



Tuesday, May 7, 2019

For Your Health: The diagnosis and misdiagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

For Your Health: The diagnosis and misdiagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had risen to one in every 59 births in the United States. ASD is a complex developmental disability and affects individuals differently to varying degrees. For children on the spectrum, early intervention can have a major impact on their development later in life. But often, children don’t receive critical intervention because they don’t match the “classic” ASD symptoms. Dr. A. Malia Beckwith, M.D., section chief, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Children’s Specialized Hospital, an RWJBarnabas Health facility, outlines some of the benefits of early diagnosis as well as the warning signs parents shouldn’t ignore, how ASD can be missed and the resources and therapies available for those with ASD.

Identifying autism spectrum disorder

“Autism spectrum disorder is a multifaceted disorder of communication and social skills, but there can also be the presence of some unusual or repetitive behaviors,” said Beckwith. “Those repetitive behaviors can manifest themselves in different ways — it can present in movements like hand flapping, repetitive verbalization like sound production, memorization of certain content of language such as certain scripts from favorite TV shows that are repeated at inappropriate times or it could also just be a need for sameness.”

Some other common behaviors associated with ASD include sensory issues where an individual may seek out calming or soothing sensations to them or avoid sensations that are upsetting to them.

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“Parents may notice that their child is really particular about the material of clothing they wear. It can be very tactile,” said Beckwith. “I have patients that will not wear jeans or only wears shorts, even when it’s snowing.”

According to Beckwith, individuals who are higher functioning may have ritualistic patterns and find it hard being flexible or doing anything out of their routine.

“Individuals with ASD may have a schedule and if something is out of routine, they have trouble tolerating change,” said Beckwith. “It can be certain rituals — opening and closing cabinets, putting things in a certain location, etc.”

Beckwith reiterates that ASD really is a multifaceted disorder and in addition to or even in the absence of some of the physical behaviors, individuals with ASD may also have a hard time with certain social skills.

“Difficulty with social skills can be verbal or nonverbal,” said Dr. Beckwith. “Sometimes you may notice your child has difficulty holding a conversation or it could be something as slight as an inability to make eye contact in a conversation or social interaction and other non-verbal communication cues.” 

When ASD is missed

In many cases, parents may miss the early signs of ASD because for children who don’t experience speech, language or motor delays, the behaviors can be so subtle, parents might just assume they are a part of the child’s personality.  

“When a child is old enough to attend school, the social skill development issues may be the first signs,” said Beckwith. “Parents might notice that their child is having a hard time making friends or reading their classmate’s nonverbal social cues.”

In other cases, a child with ASD may get misdiagnosed with another behavioral disorder — oftentimes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — because the symptoms overlap.

“Children with ASD tend to be very active, to move around a lot and to pace,” said Beckwith. “That, coupled with the limited social skills, impulsive behaviors and trouble focusing can lead many doctors to misdiagnose ASD as ADHD.”

Early intervention and getting a diagnosis

When it comes down to it, Beckwith wants parents to be reminded that they know their children the best, and if they suspect that their child may be on the spectrum, they should get a proper evaluation. 

“Early diagnosis and intervention along with access to appropriate services and support can lead to significantly improved outcomes,” said Beckwith. “The goal is always to try to detect ASD as early as possible because data suggests that if we start earlier, we can see greater outcomes as far as changing a child’s ability level and reprogramming the neurons in the brain to increase functioning. However, at Children’s Specialized Hospital, we are focused on the identification and treatment of ASD at any age so that kids can reach their full potential. We work together with families as partners in making sure that children get the services they need to help each child achieve their full potential.”

The Autism Program at Children’s Specialized Hospital offers different therapies and treatment, such as applied behavioral analysis (ABA), speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, to increase the function in parts of the brain that are responsible for things like socialization and communication and is designed to improve the lives of children and adolescents with ASD as well as their families by providing comprehensive evaluations. 

“The diagnosis of ASD is made based upon whether or not the child meets the behavioral criteria set forth in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Volume 5, or the DSM5,” said Beckwith. “We can make that determination through observing and interacting with a child in an evaluation session.”

During an evaluation session, a developmental pediatrician will observe a child’s behavioral skills, play skills, social skills and communication skills. School-aged children, or those older than the age of 4, are observed for around 60 minutes. Children younger than the age of 4 are observed for closer to 90 minutes to allow time for more play-based testing. 

Children’s Specialized Hospital is the largest regional provider of services dedicated to working with children and adolescents who have an ASD. For more information on the Children’s Specialized Hospital’s Autism Program, please visit childrens-specialized.org/autism.

Dr. A. Malia Beckwith, M.D., is section chief, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Children’s Specialized Hospital, an RWJBarnabas Health facility.

