Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Irritability and Problem Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Practice Pathway for Pediatric Primary Care

Irritability and Problem Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Practice Pathway for Pediatric Primary Care


OBJECTIVE: Pediatric primary care providers (PCPs) caring for patients with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) often encounter irritability (vocal or motoric outbursts expressive of anger,
frustration, or distress) and problem behavior (directed acts of aggression toward other
people, self, or property). The Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health
and Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network charged a multidisciplinary workgroup with
developing a practice pathway to assist PCPs in the evaluation and treatment of irritability
and problem behavior (I/PB).

METHODS: The workgroup reviewed the literature on the evaluation and treatment of
contributory factors for I/PB in ASD. The workgroup then achieved consensus on the content
and sequence of each step in the pathway.

RESULTS: The practice pathway is designed to help the PCP generate individualized treatment
plans based on contributing factors identified in each patient. These factors may include
medical conditions, which the PCP is in a key position to address; functional communication
challenges that can be addressed at school or at home; psychosocial stressors that may be
ameliorated; inadvertent reinforcement of I/PB; and co-occurring psychiatric conditions
that can be treated. The pathway provides guidance on psychotropic medication use, when
indicated, within an individualized treatment plan. In addition to guidance on assessment,
referral, and initial treatment, the pathway includes monitoring of treatment response and
periodic reassessment.

CONCLUSIONS: The pediatric PCP caring for the patient with ASD is in a unique position to help
generate an individualized treatment plan that targets factors contributing to I/PB and to
implement this plan in collaboration with parents, schools, and other providers.



Monday, February 15, 2016

Telehealth and Autism: Treating Challenging Behavior at Lower Cost

 Telehealth and Autism: Treating Challenging Behavior at Lower Cost

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether challenging behavior in young children with autism and abstract
other developmental disabilities can be treated successfully at lower cost by using telehealth
to train parents to implement applied behavior analysis (ABA).
METHODS: We compared data on the outcomes and costs for implementing evidence-based ABA
procedures to reduce problem behavior by using 3 service delivery models: in-home therapy,
clinic-based telehealth, and home-based telehealth. Participants were 107 young children
diagnosed with autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders, and data analysis focused on
the 94 children who completed treatment.
RESULTS: All 3 service delivery models demonstrated successful reduction of problem
behavior by training parents to conduct functional analysis and functional communication
training. The mean percentage reduction in problem behavior was >90% in all 3 groups
after treatment, and treatment acceptability based on parent ratings was high for all groups.
Total costs for implementing treatment were lowest for home telehealth, but both telehealth
models were significantly less costly than in-home therapy.
CONCLUSIONS: This research demonstrated that parents can use ABA procedures to successfully
treat behavior problems associated with autism spectrum disorders regardless of whether
treatment is directed by behavior consultants in person or via remote video coaching.
Because ABA telehealth can achieve similar outcomes at lower cost compared with in-home
therapy, geographic barriers to providing access to ABA for treating problem behavior can
be minimized. These findings support the potential for using telehealth to provide researchbased behavioral treatment to any family that has access to the Internet

